Services include facilitated discussions, workshops, training, coaching, and support in the following areas:


Organizational Development & Curriculum Equity Development

  • overarching description

Student Development

  • overarching description

Teacher/Admin Staff Development

  • overarching description


Organizational Development & Curriculum Equity Development

  • Integration of Equity & Inclusion practices into mission and organizational values

  • Development and alignment of equity language 

  • Equity Audits: auditing of practices, systems, curriculum, and policies, and identifying areas that may be leading to inequitable outcomes

  • Developing and/or designing structures and systems to support the E&I process

  • Creating methods of tracking and measuring the progress of E&I initiatives

  • Uncovering potential blind spots in hiring, promotion, and retention practices and creating and/or strengthening levers of accountability

  • Uncovering blind spots in teaching and disciplinary practices and creating and/or strengthening levers of accountability


Student Development

  • Uncovering potential issues within campus climate among students, teachers, and/or administrators and creating initiatives to address issues and to improve sense of belonging for all, including levers of accountability

  • Providing Anti-bias training

  • Instituting Equity Leadership Training Programs

  • Developing best practices on how to participate in difficult and important identity-oriented conversations 

  • Prompting thoughtful and proactive reflection and dialogue around the ways in which power and privilege show up and impact the professional community 

  • Creating space to listen, honor, and center marginalized voices 

Teacher/Admin Staff Development

  • Prompting thoughtful and proactive reflection and dialogue around the ways in which power and privilege show up and impact the professional community 

  • Deepening staff knowledge of the design and history of systemic oppression and its present-day impact

  • Developing best practices on how to participate in (and lead) difficult and important identity-oriented conversations  

  • Addressing and/or mediation of issues that can arise (or have arisen) amongst staff or other stakeholders 

  • Creating space to listen, honor, and center marginalized voices  

  • Team-building aimed at growing trust and rapport, and enhancing group cohesion 

  • Development of culturally responsive practices

Short Slogan